Greg Shepard was born March 21, 1952 in Ft. Collins, Colorado, but grew up in Northern California, his childhood spent in the Sacramento area and later, Marin County and Pacifica. He has at various times been a painter, graphic designer, rock music critic, clerk, book buyer, publisher's sales rep, book distributor, tenant relations coordinator and currently, publisher of Stark House Press in Eureka, California. Shepard wed Cindy Brown in 2013. He has two sons by previous marriages, Justin and Cole, and a house full of books, movies, music, animals and art.
Mark Shepard was born in Woodland, California in the Sacramento Valley. He studied theater, art and jewelry design but decided on a career in graphic design. He has worked for a large variety of clients including LucasArts Entertainment Company, the Golden Gate Bridge District and the Audubon Society. He has done voice-over work and currently divides his time between work and acting in and directing community theatre. A father of three grown children, he shares his life with his beautiful wife Laurel and two cats in El Cerrito.
Cindy handles the marketing for Stark House Press. She and Greg married in September of 2013. With a M.S. degree in Computer Information Systems, Cindy is the resident geek and keeps the Stark House Press computers and website running and up to date. She also has a B.A. degree in theatre and enjoys sewing, knitting, and reading.
Jeff Vorzimmer was born in the UK and raised in the United States, but considers himself a New Yorker living in Texas. He has relentlessly pursued a life of adventure. He has bungee-jumped the highest jump in Europe, run with the bulls in Pamplona, explored Antarctica, swam in underground lakes and piranha-invested rivers of Brazil, was shot at by the Guardia Civil in Spain, been stabbed by a mugger in Brooklyn, climbed Mt. Blanc in the French Alps and, in all, has traveled to over 30 countries on all seven continents. He enjoys music, movies and television from the 1950s and 60s and has a library of over 22,000 books and 3,000 CDs. His musical interests include all genres, but particularly bossa nova. He started his career in Wall Street before working for the Austin American-Statesman for 21 years. He has two children who both hold passports from three countries.