We need room for more books so our extra stock becomes your bargain.
The following books are all marked down to $7.00 each!

And while you're checking them out, check out the other books by these authors.

  • Doug Allyn: The Jukebox Kings
  • Mike Ashley: Starlight Man: The Extraordinary Life of Algernon Blackwood
  • Tony Black: Truth Lies Bleeding
  • Malcolm Braly: False Starts: A Memoir of San Quentin
  • Malcolm Braly: Felony Tank
  • Gil Brewer: Flight to Darkness/77 Rue Paradis by Gil Brewer
  • Carter Brown: No Harp for My Angel/Booty for My Babe/Eve, It's Extortion
  • Carter Brown: The Wench is Wicked/Blonde Verdict/Delilah Was Deadly
  • Catherine Butzen: Fell the Angels
  • Catherine Butzen: Thief of Midnight
  • Andrew Coburn: The Babysitter
  • Andrew Coburn: Spouses & Other Crimes
  • Storm Constantine: Oracle Lips
  • Gene Feldman & Max Gartenberg: Beat Generation
  • A. S. Fleischman: Shanghai Flame/Counterspy Express
  • A. S. Fleischman: The Sun Worshippers/Yellowleg
  • John Gibson: OJ's Knife
  • John Gibson: Murder in the Reeds
  • Russell James: Underground/Collected Stories
  • Elizabeth Sanxay Holding: Widow's Mite/Who's Afraid
  • Henry Kane: Frenzy of Evil
  • Mercedes Lambert: Dogtown/Soultown
  • Darren R. Leo: The Trees Beneath Us
  • Barry N. Malzberg: Underlay
  • Hugh Merrill: Red Hot Typewriter: Life & Times of John D. MacDonald
  • Rick Ollerman: Truth Always Kills
  • Rick Ollerman: Turnabout/Shallow Secrets
  • E. Phillips Oppenheim: Ghosts & Gamblers: The Further Uncollected Stories
  • Jean Potts: Go, Lovely Rose/The Evil Wish
  • Richard Powell: A Shot in the Dark/Shell Game
  • Bill Pronzini: Snowbound/Games
  • Douglas Sanderson: Night of the Horns/Cry Wolfram
  • Douglas Sanderson: Dark Passions Subdue
  • Charlie Stella: Johnny Porno
  • Charlie Stella: Rough Riders
  • Charlie Stella: Tommy Red